
बुधवार, 28 जुलाई 2021

How to add the table of content in blogger | Table of Content for Blogs

We will try our best to provide you the best and easiest way in blogging. This is very useful content for bloggers, it will help you to create a table of contents for the blog on your blogging website.

Why is this Helpful?

This provides a good experience for article readers. People can use the table of contents to jump down to the parts that are more important to them.

Let us now learn how to make a table of contents for a blog, which we will make in the easiest way.

Step1:    Go to “Theme”, click on the Customize Arrow, and click on the “Edit HTML” button.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.

Step2:    Copy the given below code and paste it above the <head> Tag.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.

Step3:    Now click anywhere inside the code and click the Ctrl+F Key.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.

Step4:    Search ]]></b:skin> code in the search-Box.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.

Step5:    Copy the given below code and Paste above the ]]></b:skin> code line.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.

Step6:    Again Press the Ctrl+F Key and Search the <data:post.body/> code.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.

Step7:    Now paste the <div id="post-toc"><data:post.body/></div> code instead of the <data:post.body/> code.

  • <data:post.body/> This code is given 3 times in HTML code, change each code to <div id="post-toc"><data:post.body/></div> code.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.

Step8:    Now save/update the HTML code.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.

Step9:    Now go to your blogger and select the post in which you want to show the table of content.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.

Step10:    Click on the Pencil and choose the HTML view.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.
How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.

Step11:    Now select the place in the post where you want the table of contents to appear, and paste the given below code on that place.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.

Step12: Paste the <script>mbtTOC2();</script> code below the post code. same as given below in Screenshot.

Click on the "Update" button.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.

Step 13:    Click on the "Preview" Button, Now you will see the Table of Content is successfully added to your post.

How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.
How to add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger 2021?, Table of Content for Blogs, Easy <b>table of contents</b>, How to create <b>table of contents</b> in blogger post, Add <b>table of contents</b> in blogger, blogger <b>table of contents</b> widget.


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