
शुक्रवार, 7 जनवरी 2022

Bill Gates Biography | Bill Gates

Bill Gates, Bill Gates Biography, Biography of Bill Gates, William Henry Bill Gates, Bill gates Birth date, Microsoft Founder Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft, Rory John Gates, Phoebe Adele Gates, Jennifer Katharine Gates, Bill gates family

William Henry Bill Gates III Kings Now known as Bill Gates da co-founder of Microsoft was born on 28th October 1955 in the city of Seattle, Washington his father was William Henry Gates Sr was an American attorney, Civic Leader, and philanthropistHe was also the founder of the law firm Shidler McBroom & Gates, and his mother Mart Maxwell Gates was an American business Woman and a schoolteacher, and a civil activist. Also, she was the first female president of King County United Way, Bill Gates is the 2nd child of his parents, He has two sisters One is his elder, Kristi and the other is his younger, Libby. When Gates was 13 of age, he was enrolled in a private preparatory school, Lakeside prep school there he wrote his first software program in Basic computer language, which was in the implementation of tic-tac-toe which allows users to play against a computer. Gates and three of his friends were banned when CCC found out that Gates was responsible for exploiting bugs in the operating Systems to get extra Computer time. 

Then that year, the four boys formed the Lakeside Programmers Club so that they could earn money, but after the ban, they offered him to find bugs in the software in Exchange for some free computer time. There in CCC's office Gates learned the source code for the various program as well as FORTRAN, Lisp, and machine language. The teachers automate the school’s class-scheduling system, But Evans died in an accident, enlisted Gates and his best friend Evans. Gates had to take Allen to complete this task. Gates when he was 17 years founded a firm with Allen, which is called Traf-O Data which was for analyzing local traffic patterns. From this business, they earned $20 thousand in 1973.

Gates graduated from Lakeside prep school and got enrolled in Harvard University in the fall of that year, But he didn’t continue his college there, rather the dropped out in 1975 to start his business in the partnership with Allen, and then they cofounder Microsoft. Which is now the world’s largest Computer Software Company 65 Years old Bill’s height is 1.77m and 70 kg in weight his eye color is greyish blue, Bill’s hobby is playing Golf and Tennis. He has also a great interest in Thai and Indian food. His net worth income is US$81.7 billion. He has varieties of car collections. Those are Porche 911, Porche 930, and Porche 959, He also has a Jet collection among them The Bombardier BD-700 Global Express Boeing Business Jet.

Bill Gates, Bill Gates Biography, Biography of Bill Gates, Bill Gates and Allen, William Henry Bill Gates, Bill gates Birth date, Microsoft Founder Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft, Rory John Gates, Phoebe Adele Gates, Jennifer Katharine Gates, Bill gates family

Bill Gates married Melinda French on 1st January 1994 in Hawaii, Melinda Gates is a philanthropist and a general former manager at Microsoft. Bill & Melinda Gates have three children one son, Rory John Gates, and two daughters, Jennifer Katharine Gates and Phoebe Adele Gates. The Family’s residence is in a 66,000-square-foot earth-sheltered mansion on the side of a hill in Medina, Washington.

In 1975, Gates and Allen founded and named their company Micro-Soft where “Micro” stands for micro-computer and soft stands for software. But later, within a year they dropped the hyphen and officially registered the name of their company like Microsoft.

Bill Gates, Bill Gates Biography, Biography of Bill Gates, Bill Gates and Allen, William Henry Bill Gates, Bill gates Birth date, Microsoft Founder Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft, Rory John Gates, Phoebe Adele Gates, Jennifer Katharine Gates, Bill gates family

The first software “BASIC” of the Microsoft Company ran the Altair computer, Their BASIC software became very popular among computer hobbyists and soon they started to write software in a different format for other computers. The gross profit of Microsoft became approximately $2.5 million and Gates became the head of the company when he was 2 years old and Allen became the executive vice-president in mid-1981. Allen quit Microsoft in 1983 as he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease but there were so many rumors about Allen Quitting Microsoft. Later in 1980, IBM approached Microsoft for software to operate their upcoming personal computer. To be noted, Gates used to take his mom along with him and was well connected with the corporate boards, and through her, Gates met the CEO of IBM. Though Gates impressed the CEO of IBM there was the problem that Microsoft had not developed any software that would run on the IBM PC, But it was not the end, Gates made another software named.

Also, Microsoft released another software named Softcard that would allow Microsoft BASIC to run on Apple II Machine, Microsoft grew much more in between 1979 and 1981 and the revenue of their company shot up from $2.5 million to $16 million. By 1983, Gates expanded Microsoft globally in Britain and Japan and almost 30% of the world’s computers ran on Microsoft software, Soon they developed a new Microsoft operating system is that is “Windows” with a good graphic interface that will also be compatible with the PC that is using MS_DOS.

Bill Gates, Bill Gates Biography, Biography of Bill Gates, Bill Gates and Allen, MS_DOS, Bill Gates friend's Allen, Bill Gates Life, William Henry Bill Gates, Bill gates Birth date, Microsoft Founder Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft, Rory John Gates, Phoebe Adele Gates, Jennifer Katharine Gates, Bill gates family

Microsoft got a huge success, and Gates became a paper billionaire in 1986 in addition to that Bill Gates, and Melinda Gates co-founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Which is the world’s largest private charitable organization as of 2015, this organization was founded in 1994 under the name William H. Gates Foundation, but later in 1999 they renamed it Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill stepped down as the chairman of Microsoft in 2000 and made Steve Ballmer his college friend as the CEO and he took the position of the chief software architect and later in 2014 Steve Ballmer was replaced by Satya Nadella as the CEO of the Company Bill Gates was an American Business and the world’s wealthiest man from 1995 to 2017 he held the Forbes title of the richest person in the world with a net worth of US$89.9 billion.

He again became the wealthiest person in the world on 15th November 2019 after a 48% increase in shares of Microsoft. Bill Gates was declared the most influential person in the 20th century by Time Magazine, Also in 2005, he was honored as the honorary Knight Commander of Order of the British Empire bestowed by Elizabeth II.

In 2006, the Government of Mexico awarded him the Aztec Eagle for his philanthropic work. Also, the Gates couple was awarded the President Medal of Freedom by President Barrack Obama for their philanthropic work, which was in the year 2016.

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