
बुधवार, 12 मई 2021

How to Improve Your Brain Memory | Brain exercises to improve Brain memory हिंदी में पढ़ें

 How to Improve Your <b>memory</b>, Improve Your <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> building exercises, improve the mind, exercise improve <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> improvement game, exercising the <b>brain</b>, best <b>brain</b> exercise for <b>memory</b>

Your brain acts as a storage area that stores memory. In fact, there are two types of memory, short-term, and long-term. Different kinds of memories get stored in your mind. Since the brain is so vast, it requires a system where memory can be encoded and retrieved.

    Your brain needs to get information very quickly, whatever it may be. It does not matter whether the information is old or new. There are some times when the brain is unable to retrieve the necessary memory. Depending on the situation, this may be something that is not a big deal. On the other hand, it can be massive.

    Many times you must have gone to the strip mall and you would not remember where you parked your vehicle. Or maybe you have gone to the office products store and you did not remember what to buy. You must have met someone you know and forgotten their name. It can be embarrassing.

    If you were younger when you had these memory laps, when you get into your 30s and 40s you can get closer to some senior moments or you can start forgetting more. Within 20 years after that, you may be worried about Alzheimer's disease

    However, this condition has started creeping up in people in their 30s. So it is no longer limited to the senior citizen age group only.

    It is a good idea to know how your brain functions to you togs like the birth of your first child, and your child's high school graduation - these are the things that you will always cherish. 

    They are special moments and memory is difficult to erase. Even if they did not turn out the way you wanted, those were the moments you would never be with that child again. 

    Smriti means remembering what happened, remembering people, places, and things. memory is not something that you can see. You all know that it is inside your brain. The important thing is that there is a place where you can store and retrieve information when needed. 

    If you want to improve your memory, this guide provides some tips and tricks that you can use to start the process. As soon as you use them, you can keep the information in your memory bank without the embarrassment of forgetting Long-Term.

Short And Long Term memory

How to Improve Your <b>memory</b>, Improve Your <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> building exercises, improve the mind, exercise improve <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> improvement game, exercising the <b>brain</b>, best <b>brain</b> exercise for <b>memory</b>, Short term and Long term <b>memory</b>

    Your memory needs to be stored in your brain, whether the information stays for a while or not. It has been said that memory in the brain can be sorted in three ways.

    Is the sensory area; of Short term memory and long-term memory. We do not need to keep whatever is in our minds. There is a class that acts as a protector so that you do not have much information that we consume regularly.

    With short-term memory, there is not much capacity. It only lasts no more than half a minute. However, there may be a way to keep it for some time. If you divide the information into parts, it may remain in your memory for a little longer than normal. You can also repeat the information to keep short-term memory running.

   Important information goes to the Long Term memory Bank. It comes from short-term memory. If you use the information over and over again, it will likely move to the long-term memory side. It will last here for a long time.

    When people know what the information is about, it can be easily stored. They feel that information means a lot to them. They can relate to it and store it in their long-term memory. People with average memory can remember a lot of information about one thing.

    It will first pass through sensory and short-term memory to provide information to the long-term memory bank.

Have a Healthy Diet

Even though a healthy diet is good for your heart, it is also good for your brain. You must eat from all food groups. This will include:

  • The fruit
  • The vegetables
  • whole grains
  • Lean meat (poultry)
  • Dairy products (2% or less milk)

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    You will still need water to flush the food. Water is very important because it keeps you hydrated. Drinking alcohol will make you dehydrated and you will forget things.

    Do not depend on Herbal supplements to provide you with the nutrients you need to maintain your memory. There is no one to prove it in the market. A healthy diet is the best way to get all the vitamins and minerals you need.

    You need a healthy brain not only to think but also to keep your memory intact. You should eat foods that contain antioxidants, such as:

  • Spinach
  • Brockley
  • Blue barriers

    You should also include fish in your diet, such as:

  • COD
  • Salmon
  • Sardines (very efficient in improving your memory)
  • Tuna

   Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help your brain function properly. Fish also contains healthy fat. These healthy fats can reduce the onset of dementia. Dementia is a form of memory loss condition that can be devastating.

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    Foods that contain folic acid (a B vitamin) are also good for eating. Folic acid is known to help reduce memory loss. You will find folic acid in foods such as:

  • The fruit
  • leafy green vegetables
  • Peas
  • dried beans
  • Grain products
  • Grain
  • Rich bread

    In addition to the above, you should eat foods that contain protein, such as lean meats (chicken), eggs, and peanut butter. Whatever the combination, it should be enough that provides you with enough calories so that you have enough energy to be physically active.

    Try to avoid foods that contain too much-saturated fat. They will skyrocket your cholesterol levels. You can eat foods with unsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. These are better for your system.

    It is said that olive oil can prevent older adults from losing their memory if it is included in what they eat. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fat. Their memories will remain. Also, this type of fat is better for them and others to use. 

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    It is mixed with blood and heart vessels. You can get more oxygen and nutrients to your brain. Eventually, the cells will serve to keep memory solid.    

    Blood must flow continuously from the brain. Olive oil can protect cells from damage and aid their growth. Keep in mind that you should not consume too many calories or it can cause you to gain a lot of weight or you may be obese.

    Along with vitamins, some can help improve your memory. One of them you can take is B vitamins. If you are not consuming it, your memory may be weak. Taking B vitamins has improved your memory and your ability to remember things.

    Older adults, they can eat grains that contain B12. This will help them to maintain their memory. Otherwise, their mentality may collapse. If you are a vegetarian, you can use vitamin B as a supplement because they do not have enough in your system. It is usually designed for vegetarians who do not eat fish, eggs, or dairy products.

    You can also take vitamins C and E to help keep your memory sharp. Both of these vitamins contain antioxidants that help relieve some of the stress found on your brain cells. Free radicals are responsible for the stresses affecting that region. 

 How to Improve Your <b>memory</b>, Improve Your <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> building exercises, improve the mind, exercise improve <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> improvement game, exercising the <b>brain</b>, best <b>brain</b> exercise for <b>memory</b>, <b><b>brain</b></b> Diet How to Improve Your <b>memory</b>, Improve Your <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> building exercises, improve the mind, exercise improve <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> improvement game, exercising the <b>brain</b>, best <b>brain</b> exercise for <b>memory</b>, <b><b>brain</b></b> Diet

    Antioxidants work to get rid of free radicals and can help improve your memory. Vitamins C and E are considered safe; however, it is a good idea to consult your doctor before taking them.

    Magnesium is considered a mineral that relieves the tension in the brain. This can help improve your memory and enhance your learning skills. This mineral is also used when muscles shrink and at the same time allows you to relax.

    Some foods contain magnesium, such as whole grains, leafy green vegetables, milk, and seafood.


    You can practice increasing your memory. It is just like you are practicing on a football or track field. The only difference is that it is more intense. This is not to say that working to improve your memory is not. It is just on a different level, but the goal remains the same. The more you practice, the better. Then it becomes easy for you.

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    You can play a memory game by staying in a group and taking everyone's name in it. Take a few minutes to drown in the information, and then try to list the names of all the people in the group. You may not get it in the initial stages, but if you continue it, you will eventually be able to master your memory

    You can also do this with other scenarios, such as newspapers and other magazines. Read a section and then talk about what you read. If you succeed in that, it shows that you paid attention to what you were reading. 

    If you are not, you may have to pay more attention. Soak important details. It may be important and important for you to remember small things in your memory bank.

Stay focused

    Practicing what you are studying involves focusing. You should keep your mind on this issue. If you are talking to someone, listen to what they are saying. You can ask them to repeat it if you did not or did not understand them.

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    Some people have difficulty focusing when there is noise. Try to find a calm place where you can talk. Reduce blockages if possible. You know that there may be occasional interruptions, but handle them accordingly. The less noise and distractions you have to deal with, the better it will be for you. You will be able to focus more on the Discussion.

    You can repeat things yourself to help improve your memory. You can say them out loud to yourself. If you are getting information from someone else, repeat what they have said. That way you can confirm what was said between you two.

Take Notes

    It is a good idea to do notes so that you can see them later. Not everyone can remember everything. it is very far. Write down the important things you will need to keep for future use. 

Exercise and physical activity

    Exercise can help you get your memory back to where it should be. You can walk and free yourself from any disappointment you are experiencing.

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    With the number of people who are overweight or obese, they are at greater risk of health-related diseases. If they do not exercise regularly, their arteries may become closed. Blood will not be effluent freely in their body. By closing the arteries, your brain is not getting enough oxygen so that it can breathe freely.

    When you are not exercising, your brain is not getting much blood. Blood must flow to the brain so that you can think directly. You have to move around and not be stable. Include other activities that include walking. The more active you are, the more likely your memory will improve.

    Walking can also help manage your stress. This helps to release your mind from the pressure you are dealing with. If you walk for at least 30 minutes a day, you will be able to focus more and sharpen your memory.

    Stress is a hindrance to improving your memory. It hinders your attention, and you are not able to think straight and remember things. In this regard, you can also improve your memory by using mediation or breathing techniques. You cannot keep your mind sharp by being in fear and worry. You can think dogmatically and remember more.

    Play word games and different types of puzzles. You can not only improve your memory, but you will be able to concentrate better. That sharp mental edge requires concentration to remember things.

 Visualization and association

    Some people can understand things from memory by taking words and drawing their pictures and pictures. Visualization and engagement can shed light on something that cannot be identified by just the written word.

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    For example, if you were sending an e-mail and your tone was sad, you might put a sad face at the end of the correspondence. It means that you were not happy with whatever happened. 

    Some images may be unique and may not be so recognizable. However, as long as that person knows what they are watching and can associate it.

    You can be descriptive by taking pictures of how you see yourself in the next five years and work towards that goal. Things that can take a moment or two to achieve, you need to see how you want them. 

    Visualization not only helps improve your memory, but it can also help relieve stress. Stress is a factor in not being able to think and remember clearly. So using visualization can help you when you are looking to move forward. It can also help you become more motivated.

    With engagement, you can use a word to trigger your memory that you need to remember. Things that are hilarious and offbeat are great ideas to help get your brain back into gear.

    Once you start using these tips, you will find that you will improve your memory and be able to remember more things.

 Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

    Do you know that some incidents are associated with smell? If you smell perfume or cologne, it can make you think about things that happened a while ago or a few years ago. The use of aromatherapy can help bring things back to your memory.

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    There are some essential oils used in aromatherapy that can help you to become more focused and mentally aware of what is going on. Mint and eucalyptus are used for this.

    Essential oils provide an aroma that comes from leaves, bark, flowers, and aromatic fruit. These oils impart a special smell that can be used as a stimulant for your brain.

    Rosemary is another essential oil used in aromatherapy. It is used to enhance and enhance your memory. It also helps you to focus more and you can think outside the box as well. Basically, it works to increase and stimulate your brain. If you are a student and you are studying for the upcoming exam, then you can use this essential oil to help you. 

    Sage is another essential oil to enhance and improve your memory. Those who initially used it took it in the form of capsules filled with essential oil. Apart from these above essential oils, others that are used to stimulate the brain are basil and bay laurel.

    In addition to being brain-stimulating, aromatherapy is considered a technique used to calm your mind and relieve the stress you are experiencing. Chamomile and Lavender are some examples of soothing oils.

    If you are having trouble improving your memory, you can use peppermint or essential oil that contains a citrus aroma. These oils work to stimulate your brain and help you remember more.

    If you have a medical problem that is hindering you to remember, you can take some mint oil inside. It works to stimulate your brain as well as relieve pain and provide relief from an upset stomach.

    Whatever essential oil you use, just take a cotton ball and pour a few drops of oil on it. Then inhale and smell it. You do not need to use one oil at a time. You can add something to make an oil that you can use to massage different areas of your body.

Before starting the process, here are some things to keep in mind:

    Contact your doctor before using the aromatherapy procedure and essential oils. If you have a medical condition, you want to make sure that the aroma does not cause adverse reactions.

    The oil should not be consumed internally and should not be applied directly to the skin. Pregnant ladies should check with their doctor before using essential oils. Fragrances can be harmful to your unborn baby.

Be unique and creative

    There are several tips and tricks that you can use to improve your memory. Some of them are unique and creative. No matter how unusual some of them are, they will work if you test them. You can use them in categories of logic, accepting different patterns and math problems. Whatever it is, you have to use your brain to do it.

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    Here are some creatively and logically ways you can Motivate your brain to improve your memory:

    Read books whenever you get a chance. Spend at least one hour a week reading some fiction and non-fiction books. If you have a full-time job, read your lunch. If you travel by public transport, read by bus or train.

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    If you like animals, buy a fish tank and include fish of different colours. It can show you an Entire different world.

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    Decorate your home with different colours. When others see your creative side it will not look so monotonous.

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    Listen to music that can encourage your brain. Some types of music can make you feel relaxed.

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    Play a few board games like chess or scrabble. These games can be a challenge and can help stimulate brain cells.

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    Attach with other people who have something in common with you. You should also meet relatives and close friends whom you do not see often. If you have clubs in your area, join a club that interests you.

    E-mail people, you haven't talked to in a long time. They will perhaps be happy to hear from you.    

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    If you are dealing with the sense, you can open your mind and improve your memory. Don't be afraid to reach out and explore new things.

    When it comes to improving your memory, it is important to try different things. It helps to stimulate your mind and relax you. You have less to worry about. Being active keeps your mind fast and focused. Otherwise, if you are not using it enough, your brain may just rot.

Ending repetitive and unnecessary tasks

    There are many ways to increase memory. Some of them are so simple that you would probably say "why didn't I think so"? There are some things about your memory that do not get faster with age.

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    However, you can still work with common techniques and tricks. You can't remember everything. You can remember most things. Those you don't remember can learn to do it.

    Sometimes you forget things because the process of doing the same things is so repeated that you forget how many times it has happened. It becomes a habit when you do certain things every day because you do not remember whether you did them or not.

    To prevent repetitive tasks, be aware of what you are doing. You should pay attention and pay attention. Whatever you are thinking about it is tarnishing your decision, remove it from your system.

    Distraction can make you nervous when you are working on breaking a habit. For some, it can take a lot of time to pay attention to what they are doing. Meditation can help you remember your tasks and eliminate whatever you do not need to do. Some of these are small things, such as turning off the light before you leave, or unplugging the iron after you're done.  

Here is a list of tips you can use to help prevent habitual duplication:

    Supposing you are leaving your home, stop for a moment. Think about what you should do before you leave. 

    Think about the areas you need to secure, such as front and back doors. Pay attention when you are turning to those areas. They are important when it comes to securing your home.

    The organization is important when it comes to getting rid of unnecessary habits. Make a plan and stick to it. Being organized can help you remember some things because they are in front of you or they are close to you.

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    Make a list of the things you need to do and use every day. Once you complete each task, cut it out. By not doing this you can do what you have done again. Crossing objects also saves you time as soon as you complete them. Keep your list in the same place so that you can find it easily.

    Make sure that there is a place for everything you use on a regular or daily basis. For example, if you use a pen with ink, keep them in the drawer used for that purpose. Or get a holder where you can keep a lot of them. In this way, you will never have writing tools.

    If you have children, keep their bag of books at the front door. That way they will not forget them. If you make them lunch, then only after fixing it, put it in their book bag. If you make lunch for yourself, you can place it on the stove or near the front door so that you can remember to take it.

    Doing such small things can make a big difference in spending money for your lunch and dinner every day.

    Pay attention to all the work you are going to do. Put the most important things first. Make sure you have everything you require to complete the tasks.

    Use the calendar to summarize important information and the things you need to do. You will not be able to remember everything. Keep the calendar with you so that you can see it back.

   Pending items need to be completed or resolved as soon as possible. do not delay. Do it when it is in your mind.

    To keep your memory fresh, put things back where they were before. Placing them in places other than where they were can cause confusion for you.

    You may have to repeat yourself to retain the information in your brain. It is like reciting lines for a play. The only way for you to remember this is to keep repeating the rows over and over again.

    Any important information, such as name, phone number, address, instructions, etc. should be kept in a central place. They should be sorted where you can easily find them within a few seconds.

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One thing you should not forget to do is focus and focus. Whatever you are doing, keep a laser-fast eye on the task at hand. Focus and concentration are critical to your success in improving your memory.   

 If you are among those who habitually forget things, you may be out of focus and have difficulty concentrating. You let things and events dominate your life. You have too much on your plate and allow you to disturb distracting and stressful situations day by day.

    You have a very short attention span or no meditation at all. All this can cause you not to remember the things you need. Being busy fails the purpose of improving your memory.

Mnemonic tips and tricks

    One more way to improve your memory is to use mnemonic tips and tricks. Mnemonics are gimmicks that help you learn and maintain information in your memory bank. Even though some tips and tricks may not be easy to learn, they have been proven to work. 

    No matter if you need to remember names, lists, or studies for classes, this method can help you regain and maintain your memory. Mnemonics can help improve your memory and help you focus better.

    One of the mnemonic tips you can use to improve your memory is to create an acronym to use for a phrase. Similar words are formed using the first letter of the line you are trying to memorize. You can also write a poem or song to help remember things. 

An example of using mnemonics with a dictionary is as follows:

  • A – A
  • B – Big
  • C - Cat

    With this method, it is good to do it in small portions. It is easier for people to remember things like numbers and letters when they are in small pieces rather than in a large group. Parts in a setting should not exceed seven parts. 

    One of the most common ways to employ this method is to use rhyme. The one used for many years in elementary school is "I before E, except after C". It is one of the most popular if not the most popular to which students can relate.

    Another way to improve your memory with memorization is to include words in a list using photographs and images. They may not mean much, but when the story is told, children will be able to understand and remember what they are learning.

    Use simple things like dogs, jumps, apples, and other related items. Children can relate to them better and quickly understand what they need to learn. It also helps that they are using these words in a group.

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    The loci method is used when you need to remember information such as reports or speeches that you are going to present to the audience. It is a device used in which you pretend that you are in the place where you were before. Any information you have is associated with a room or anything else. So if you were reading Snow White, parts of the story could be connected to different rooms. Therefore, when you go near it, you will be able to associate each phrase or sentence with the room and the story.


    There are some things you can forget that should be in your memory all the time. Some things you can write and read from them. You have to keep other information in your memory bank as it is very sensitive. You cannot keep them in your purse just by writing.

    For these types of things and other information, the chunking technique can be the one you need. This technique is used when you are working with numbers and letters. If you have some numerical information like a phone number, it can be divided into parts so that you can remember it easily. 

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    You do not need that much energy to think about what you want to remember. You will not only be able to remember phone numbers but all at once. In addition, chunking is an easy technique to deal with.

    From Chunking, you get some Topics related to Numbers. Then when you think of those topics, you associate them with the number you are trying to recite. The more you connect and relate to the information, the better chance you have of memorizing numbers. People can create a pattern and use it for other information they need to remember.

    There is more to chunking than memorizing numbers. You can also do this with letters. For example, if you need to send correspondence to some people whose name starts with the same letter, you can learn to remember the names starting with this letter and that letter of the alphabet.

    You can use it even when you are going to get some goods at the store. If you know what you are buying then it is good to use. Then you can write the list and put the information in different categories. 

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That way when you get there, you can go to those designated corridors and get the things you need. Many people roam the corridors more than once when they find out that some similar objects are located in the same place.    

Unless you know what is in every corridor from memory, this can be a way that can save your time. You don't necessarily have to go through the entire store to get what you want.

Using the environment around you

    Remember the days when people used to tie lanyards to their fingers? Well, it was a way that he remembered the things he needed to do. This served as a reminder that there were things that had not yet been done. It serves as a visualization tool. Whenever he saw the wire, he said that he needed to finish the work.

    With all electronic gadgets nowadays, it is much less likely that someone is now using a piece of string. In your environment, there are things you can do that can help improve your memory. You can make these a part of your daily routine.

    For example, if you have clothes that you need to pick up or from a cleaner, place a hanger on your bedroom door or on your front door knob. Or you can place them in both fields. That way, you will remember to take your clothes, whether they are carrying them or carrying them with scavengers.

    Use different colors. Different colors can affect your brain. For example, if you have items in red, they can help you focus better. Concentration may work in your favor to help you improve your memory.

    If you want to get creative, you can use blue. One more color that is associated with concentration is green. This color is also used to improve your concentration. 

How to Improve Your <b>memory</b>, Improve Your <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> building exercises, improve the mind, exercise improve <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> improvement game, exercising the <b>brain</b>, best <b>brain</b> exercise for <b>memory</b>

    Using a timer while reading or studying can help improve your memory. Knowing that you have so much time to do so can help you focus on the topic. When you know that you have only this much time to complete the work, you will not have time to be mindless.

  If you are studying at home, then you should make every effort to remove distractions from your environment. It seems that when you are busy your attention starts to wander. While you are studying, keep the radio off as well as the television.

   Your phone's ringer must be silent. If you need music to listen to while studying, then play some soft music that can get you in the mood for reading. 

    If you are studying for a few hours, take a break in between. If you do not do this, your concentration and focus level may decline. By taking a break you can free your mind from the study that you are doing. It gives your brain a chance to freshen up. On your break, you can take a walk or eat a healthy breakfast.

 Remembering names, places, and other things

   If you are shopping in a large area, you have likely forgotten where you parked. This can be frustrating and confusing. To solve this, look at your environment. Look for a landmark that helps you remember where your car is parked.

  In some parking lots, there are numbers to specify the place you parked. Take that number down and put it somewhere where you can find it. However, this may still not be enough. Unless there is a prompt specifying a specific number, you can still get lost. Look to see if there is an important item you can relate to where you are parked.

How to Improve Your <b>memory</b>, Improve Your <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> building exercises, improve the mind, exercise improve <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> improvement game, exercising the <b>brain</b>, best <b>brain</b> exercise for <b>memory</b>, Parking Area

    In other ways, you can remember places, and make a note in your mind about certain objects or areas to which you can relate. If there are some special smells, such as a certain restaurant, keep them in mind when you need to find your vehicle. Maps are also a nice way to remember where you are.

    If you are cooking, it is important to know how many ingredients you have used. You want your food to be perfect. If you put too many ingredients there, no one will eat what you have cooked. Count the volume as you are putting the ingredients together. This will help you not to overdo it. Also, you will not be distracted.

    Remembering someone's name can be quite embarrassing. If you are introduced to another person, and you do not remember the name of the third person, this is not a good sign. It is more than what people think. It's easy to miss someone's face, but it's a different story with names.

    With a face, you are tasked with identifying a person. Your brain can process it more easily than remembering its name. Without any facial recognition, you don't have a lot of options to deal with.

    This makes it easy for you. However, when it comes to memorizing names, is a different process. Your mind has to reach the bottom and think about it. It takes more energy and is not an easy task.

    There are some ways that it can be made easier for you. You can add something important and add it to that person's name.

    Another technique that you can use is to pay attention when the person’s name is said.  Make repetitions and say it loud enough for you to hear. 

  You can associate the name with any other information. For example, if the person's surname is green, you can associate it with money. Money is green, so whenever you see this person, you can form a relationship. It is to build a good relationship. Look at their face. Discover the unique features that make the most different.

   Keep repeating the person's name and add a face to it. The more you do this, you will have a better chance of remembering their name if you want to see that person again. Knowing a person's name is part of the social facet of life.

How to Improve Your <b>memory</b>, Improve Your <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> building exercises, improve the mind, exercise improve <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> improvement game, exercising the <b>brain</b>, best <b>brain</b> exercise for <b>memory</b>, Remember Every Name

   In fact, the person may take it personally that you do not remember their name. It is important that in such a setting where you are introduced, you remember the names of all the parties involved.

 Using sleeping technology

   Many people are those who do not get enough sleep and their memory becomes weak. Due to lack of sleep, people are not as alert as they should be while getting up. It also affects their concentration and focuses when it comes to getting the job done.

How to Improve Your <b>memory</b>, Improve Your <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> building exercises, improve the mind, exercise improve <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> improvement game, exercising the <b>brain</b>, best <b>brain</b> exercise for <b>memory</b>,  Using sleeping technology

    The average amount of sleep a person has is between six and eight hours. People must get enough sleep to function properly. However, some people do not sleep on their own for any reason.

    Some will rely on prescription medication to close their eye. However, this does not always work in their favour. Prescription drug addiction is easy and does not get rid of it.

    Consumption of alcohol can be very dangerous, but some people depend on it for sleep. Drinking alcohol can make you feel uncomfortable and concentrate on the next day. Not only this, but if you habitually drink alcohol, you may have a serious medical problem.

How to Improve Your <b>memory</b>, Improve Your <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> building exercises, improve the mind, exercise improve <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> improvement game, exercising the <b>brain</b>, best <b>brain</b> exercise for <b>memory</b>,  Using sleeping technology, Drinking

    You can use some strategies for sleeping that do not require the use of drugs or alcohol. Here are some you can use to help close some eyes:

   It is not a good idea to focus your attention on sleep. The more attention and concentration you use for this, the harder it will be for you to close your eyes. Imagine that you are in a relaxed atmosphere somewhere.

    Keep the lights off while you are in bed. With lights, it can be difficult for you to sleep.

    Use a schedule where you do the same thing every evening. Following the routine can help you eventually fall asleep when you are getting ready to go to bed. Your body will signal when the time of the accident arrives.

How to Improve Your <b>memory</b>, Improve Your <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> building exercises, improve the mind, exercise improve <b>memory</b>, <b>memory</b> improvement game, exercising the <b>brain</b>, best <b>brain</b> exercise for <b>memory</b>, Scheduling Week

    Make a routine every day and evening when you get up and go to bed. Try not to sleep too much on weekends. It can be difficult to sleep in the evening when you sleep more. Sleeping too much can spoil your daily routine.

    You should not watch TV, read or eat when you are in bed. Do not talk on the telephone while you are there. The bedroom should be a sanctuary for sleeping and getting intimate.

    If you take more than half an hour to sleep then you should go to another room. You can read for a few minutes or watch an event that you are not interested in. Make sure it is quiet in the room. You can then go back to your bedroom and try to fall asleep again. You may have to do this more than once to close your eyes.

    Once you start getting sufficient sleep every night, your brain will start working to help improve your memory. You will get enough rest to think clearly. Your mind will be very active and you will be able to remember things that you could not do before.

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